![Not all empirical patterns are interesting](/uploads/4/6/1/9/46194525/5428292.png?233)
- The Database of UN Human Rights Agreements
- Data and commands from Making Promises, Keeping Promises: Democracy, Ratification, and Compliance in International Human Rights Law (BJPS).
- Data and commands from The International Law and Politics of Climate Change (JCR).
- Data and commands from Do Treaties Constrain or Screen? Selection Bias and Treaty Compliance (APSR).
- STATA code for the estimator used in Do Treaties Constrain or Screen? Selection Bias and Treaty Compliance (APSR). The estimator can be used for any analysis in which the outcome of interest is dichotomous and observed for the treated and non-treated groups.
- STATA code to generate COW codes from country names. If your dataset has country names, the files below should generate the codes for you (I have programmed several different possible country names for countries such as Germany, etc.), but please read the "user beware statement" in the file.
- STATA file to match COW codes with ACLP (Alvarez, Cheibub, Limongo, and Przeworski) data. Please read the "user beware statement" in the file.
- STATA code to generate dates of independence (countries that gained independence after 1960). Source for independence dates: CIA World Factbook.
© Jana von Stein 2018