Published Articles
Other Peer-Reviewed Work
Research in Progress
Policy Writings
- Forthcoming. Attitudes and Action in International Refugee Policy: Evidence from Australia. Forthcoming, International Organization. With Jill Shepperd.
- 2020/21. Democracy, Autocracy, and Everything in Between: How Domestic Institutions Shape Environmental Protection. British Journal of Political Science. DOI 10.1017/S000712342000054X.
- 2020/21 Automaticity and Delegation in Climate Targets. Environmental Research Letters. DOI 1088/1748-9326. With Dave Frame.
- 2018. Exploring the Universe of UN Human Rights Agreements. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 62 (4): 871-99.
- 2017. Compliance with International Law. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies.
- 2016. Making Promises, Keeping Promises: Democracy, Ratification, and Compliance in International Human Rights Law. British Journal of Political Science 46 (3): 655-79.
- Washington Post Monkey Cage piece.
- Supplementary materials, data, code
- 2009. The Pieces of Peacemaking: Understanding Implementation of Civil War Settlements. 2009. Civil Wars, 11: 279-301. With Shanna Kirschner.
- 2008. The International Law and Politics of Climate Change: Ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention and the Kyoto Protocol. 2008. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 52 (2): 243-68.
- 2008. International Organizations Count: What Statistics Tells Us About IOs. 2008. special issue of Journal of Conflict Resolution, 52 (2), including introductory article: 175-88. With Emilie Hafner-Burton and Erik Gartzke.
- 2005. Do Treaties Constrain or Screen? Selection Bias and Treaty Compliance. 2005. American Political Science Review, 99 (4): 611-22.
Other Peer-Reviewed Work
- 2016. Not Just Another Book on the Philosophy and Methods of Political Science. Australian Journal of Political Science. Invited book review.
- 2013. The Engines of Compliance. 2013. In Jeffrey Dunoff and Mark Pollack, Synthesizing Insights from International Law and International Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Opinio Juris IR/IL Symposium: The Engines of Compliance.
- 2010. International Law: Understanding Compliance and Enforcement. 2010. In Robert Denemark, International Studies Compendium. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Research in Progress
- The Autocratic Politics of International Human Rights Law (book manuscript).
- Four Tales of International Law: How Appealing to Legality and Rights Affects Americans’ Views on Refugee Maltreatment.
- Democratic Backsliding and Compliance with International Human Rights Law.
Policy Writings
- 2019. My Second and Third Daughters Exist Because Abortion Was Legal and Safe. Washington Post, May 28.
- 2015. American Foreign Policy with Hillary at the Helm. The Policy Space (invited contribution to Australian policy blog).
- 2015. Do-Gooder Human Rights Politics: How Does New Zealand Measure Up? (invited contribution to New Zealand foreign policy blog).
- 2013. When Bad things Happen to Untenured People. 2013. Chronicle of Higher Education.
© Jana von Stein 2019